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最后更新: 2023-11-19 23:00
浏览次数: 37
江门嘉顿雄电能源科技Electrical energy technology ofJiadunxiongCompany in jiangmen city S型垂直轴小型风力发电机Svertical axis small wind-driven generator
输出功率(Working power)
风速 输出功率 Wind speed Working power
2.5m/s 1.5W 2.5m/s 1.5W
4m/s 10W 4m/s 10W
7m/s 80W 7m/s 80W
8m/s 100W 8m/s 100W
9m/s 150W 9m/s 150W
10m/s 200W 10m/s 200W
12m/s 250W 12m/s 250W
15m/s以上 350W 15m/s 350W
注:风速超过15m/s启动电子超速刹车系统。(when the wind speed is higer than 15m/s, the braked system would startup)
风机尺寸图( Fan dimension drawing)
风机组成部件及参数(Fan components and parameters)
启动风速 2m/s Started wind speed 2m/s
额定风速 12m/s Rated wind speed 12m/s
切入风速 2.5m/s Cut-in wind spee 2.5m/s
额定电压 12V/24V Rated voltage 12V/24V
额定功率 200W/300W Rated power 200W/300W
*大功率 300W/400W Maximum power 300W/400W
风叶材质 西南铝板 Thewind leaf shader Southwest aluminum
风叶数目 6 Fan’s slice quantity 6
风叶直径 32cm The slice’s diamter of fan 32cm
安全风速 40m/s Safe wind speed 40m/s
整机重量 8.5KG Net Weight 7.5 8.5KG
使用环境(Working atmosphere)
温度 风力发电机为-20+85 Controllerwokingtemperature -20+85
湿度 风力发电机为≤90% Controller working humidity 90%
海拔高度 4500m(额定工况海拔高度为1000m altitude 4500mworking altitude1000
*大风速 35m/s Maximum wind speed 35m/s
瞬间*大风速 50m/s instant wind speed 50m/s
风机安装高度 3.5m13m Controller’s installlemnt’s height 3.5m13m
风光互补路灯示意图(Scenery complementary lamps schemes
产品特点和用途(Product features and USES
1.本产品采用盘式发电机做为功率输出枢纽,体积小,重量轻,效率高。启动风速低,适用小风地区。(1. this product uses the disc generator to do for the power output key position, the volume is small, the weight is light, the efficiency is high. The start wind speed is low, is suitable the breeze area
2.运转噪音低,无需对风,风能提利用率高。(2. the revolution noise is low, does not need windward, the wind energy proposes the use factor to be high.
3.产品设计新颖,造型美观,做为风光互补路灯首选产品,为城市美化,旅游景区增加一道亮丽的风景线。(3. New product design, beautiful modelling, as scenery complementary lamps for urban first-selected products, beautification, tourism scenic spots increase a beautiful scenery line.
功率因数表(Power for access
福建电力能源XR数字化工艺与制造方案来电洽谈「北京和远科技」薰衣草主题曲 中牟筒体半管品牌具体明细「无锡日之尧」洛奇英雄传职业 平顶山次氯酸钠公司承诺守信 龙达化工家用鞋架 缝盘机厂值得信赖「缝强机械」草泥马之歌歌词 广州锅炉清洗价钱来电咨询「山菱」于娜老公 龙门PLA丝绸母粒来电咨询「兴宏隆」怨天尤人什么意思 sdT迷宫价格询问报价「多图」他曾说的话有没有兑现他现在又站在谁的对面 武汉不锈钢蜂窝板吊顶货真价实「鑫源广聚不锈钢」卡仕达导航怎么样
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