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最后更新: 2023-11-13 18:08
浏览次数: 26
气浮转台有更多技术资料请咨询公司销售工程师王晋贤,联系电话:13241553619Aerotech’s ABR1000 rotary air-bearing stage providessuperior angular positioning, velocity stability, and errormotion performance. It is designed to meet the exactingrequirements for wafer inspection, DVD mastering, diskdrive test and servo writing, optical inspection andfabrication, and MEMS/nanotechnology device fabrication.Superior Mechanical DesignThe ABR1000 is designed with large air-bearing surfacesfor high stiffness and load capacity in a low profile design.This design produces not only excellent axial and radialerror motions, but outstanding tilt error motion, as well.The resultant face error motion is significantly better thanother rotary air-bearing tables and spindles in themarketplace, greatly benefiting applications requiringexceptional planar performance.Brushless Direct-DriveTo maximize positioning performance, the ABR1000utilizes Aerotech’s S-series slotless, brushless motor. Thismotor repsents the latest in rotary motor technology. Themotor uses an advanced magnetic circuit design to produceDirect-drive slotless brushless servomotorZero cogging motor for outstanding velocitystabilityOutstanding error motion and wobbleperformanceDirect coupled, high accuracy rotary encoderNo mechanical contactWafer and disk accessories availablehigh torque output with minimal heat generation. Theslotless design is inherently zero-cogging and torque ripplefree.This makes the ABR1000 ideal for applicationsrequiring smooth scan velocities at loworhigh speeds.Accurate PositioningSeveral feedback options are available. The encodersselected for this stage series are noncontacting, reflective,orinterferential encoders. When coupled with Aerotech’sfeedback multipliers and controls, resolutions of <0.03 arcsecond and positioning accuracy of <1 arc second isavailable.Flexible ConfigurationsOptions include integral wafer chucks, disk chucks andclamps, ESD versions, and rotary unions for air/vacuumservice.Custom DesignsCustom versions of the ABR1000 are available for ratetable and inertial guidance test-stand applications.
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